Today I was facing a challenge while loading the big integer to the dimensional table. Unfortunately the source table contains a string (varchar) in it and which broke my Batch loading process.
After all research in internet, I found the below fix solved my case.
I have used text_to_int_alt
case when then else end
and convert
select text_to_int_alt(case when regexp_replace(convert(varchar, 'UNKNOWN'), '[^0-9]', '') <> '' then regexp_replace(convert(varchar, 'UNKNOWN'), '[^0-9]', '') else '-1' end);-- output -1
select (case when regexp_replace(trim(convert(varchar, '4634xcvs235!"£"$')), '[^0-9]', '') <> '' then regexp_replace(trim(convert(varchar, '4634xcvs235!"£"$')), '[^0-9]', '') end);-- output 4634235
select (case when regexp_replace(convert(varchar, 'UNKNOWN'), '[^0-9]', '') <> '' then regexp_replace(convert(varchar, 'UNKNOWN'), '[^0-9]', '') else '-1' end);-- output null