Reuseable code snippets collected by me
SQL - BigQuery - Optimized Query
SQL - BigQuery - Optimized Query
BigQuery - Run parallel tasks to dataframes
Find a string starts with vowel in a sentence.
SQL - Previous month sales using Lag, GroupBy
An interview question to write a query to get the below output
SQL - Least() and Sum() only 5 values out of six to make average()
SQL - Least() and Sum() only 5 values out of six
SQL - Top asked SQL questions
Query to use group by, distinct, date functions
SQL - Inner Join on duplicate keys column
An interview question to do a inner join on table A and B with duplicate keys
SQL - Self, Cross Join - Match Fixture
Query to schedule a match between each team from same table
Python - find text starts with vowel
Find a string starts with vowel in a sentence.