SQL - Top asked SQL questions
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You are given following two tables,
Customer = cust_id, cust_name, ...Other customer related details
Order = order_id, order_name, cust_id, ...Other order related details
-- Setupdrop schema if exists temp cascade;
create schema temp;
set schema 'temp';
create table customers ( cust_id serial primary key, cust_name varchar(50) not null, gender varchar (10) not null);
drop table orders;
create table orders ( order_id int not null, order_name varchar (100), order_dt timestamp, order_price int, cust_id int not null, foreign key (cust_id) references customers (cust_id));
insert into customers (cust_name, gender)values('Vijay', 'M'),('Moni', 'F'),('Kavi', 'M'),('Adya', 'F'),('Ras', 'M'),('Liya', 'F');
select * from customers ;
truncate table orders;
insert into orders ( order_id, order_name, cust_id, order_dt, order_price)values(1, 'Laptop',1,'20220101',100),(1, 'Headphones',1,'20220105',50),(2, 'TV',2,'20200201',300),(3, 'Cleaner',3,'20200101',400),(3, 'PS',3,'20201221',600),(4, 'Laptop',3,'20220101',1000),(4, 'Headphones',3,'20220105',500),(5, 'TV',2,'20200201',300);
select * from orders;
Question 1: print only those customer who have at least one order.
You have to provide the output in following format.
cust_id, cust_name, [Total amount of orders]
select c.*, t.total_ordersfrom customers cjoin (select cust_id, count( distinct order_id) as total_ordersfrom ordersgroup by cust_idhaving count(distinct order_id) > 0) ton t.cust_id = c.cust_id
Question 2: Find out all customers who haven't placed any order in the past six months.
select c.* from customers cwhere c.cust_id not in (select distinct cust_id from orderswhere order_dt > to_char(current_date - interval '6 months', 'YYYY-MM-DD')::date)
Question 3: write a SQL query to find out customer's total purchasing payment in the past six months.
select c.*, o.total_payment from customers cjoin (select cust_id, sum(order_price) as total_payment from orderswhere order_dt > to_char(current_date - interval '6 months', 'YYYY-MM-DD'):: dategroup by cust_id) oon o.cust_id = c.cust_id
-- Extras
select to_char(current_date - interval '1 months', 'YYYY-MM-01'):: date;
select to_char(current_date - interval '6 months', 'YYYY-MM-DD'):: date;
select to_char(current_date - interval '30 days', 'YYYY-MM-DD'):: date;
select to_char(to_date('2022-01-26', 'YYYY-MM-DD') + interval '15 days', 'YYYY-MM-DD')::date
select to_char('2022-01-26'::date + interval '15 days', 'YYYY-MM-DD')::date
select date::date from generate_series('2022-01-24'::date, '2022-07-26'::date, '15 days'::interval) date
Question 4: write a SQL query to find out top 3 order price
select *from (select *, dense_rank() over (order by order_price desc) as my_rankfrom orders) swhere my_rank <= 3
Question 5: write a SQL query to Find top 3 product sold in a day
select *from (select *,dense_rank() over (partition by order_date order by order_price desc) as my_rankfrom orders) swhere my_rank <= 3
-- Example top 5 product sold in cityselect City, Orderid, total_quantity,dense_rank() OVER (PARTITION BY City ORDER BY total_quantity desc) as rank_quantity from table order by rank_quantity,cityLIMIT 5;